Declaring Registered Outputs

You can declare registered outputs of a Text Design File (.tdf) by declaring output ports as flipflops in a Register Declaration in the Variable Section. The reg_out.tdf file shown below has the same functionality as bur_reg.tdf (shown in Declaring Registers), but has registered outputs.

   clk, load, d[7..0] : INPUT;
   q[7..0]            : OUTPUT;
   q[7..0]            : DFFE; % outputs also declared as registers %
   q[].clk = clk;
   q[].ena = load;
   q[] = d[];

When you assign a value to a registered output in the Logic Section, that value drives the d inputs to the registers. The register's output does not change until the rising edge of the clock. In the Logic Section, use <register name>.clk as the clock input to the register. You can implement a global clock in the following ways:

In the example file above, each enable D flipflop (DFFE) declared in the Variable Section feeds an output with the same name, so you can refer to the q outputs of the declared flipflops without using the q port of the flipflops.

NOTE In a top-level TDF, output ports are synonymous with output pins. When you declare the same name for an output port and a register, probe and logic option assignments on that name are applied to the pin rather than the register. These identical names prevent you from assigning a probe or a register-specific logic option such as NOT Gate Push-Back. Therefore, if you wish to probe a register or use a register-specific logic option, you must name the registers and ports differently.

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