Truth Table Statement

The Truth Table Statement is used to specify combinatorial logic or state machine behavior. In an AHDL truth table, each entry in the table contains a combination of input values that will produce specified output values. These output values can be used as feedback to specify state transitions and outputs of state machines.

NOTE Truth tables must follow the rules described in Truth Table Statement Rules.

The following example shows a Truth Table Statement:

   a0,  f[4..1].q    =>   f[4..1].d, control;

   0,   B"0000"      =>   B"0001",   1;
   0,   B"0100"      =>   B"0010",   0;
   1,   B"0XXX"      =>   B"0100",   0;
   X,   B"1111"      =>   B"0101",   1;

The Truth Table Statement has the following characteristics:

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