AHDL supports the implementation of state machines with asynchronous outputs. The outputs of these types of state machines can change whenever the inputs change, regardless of clock transitions.
The mealy.tdf file shown below implements a four-state Mealy state machine with asynchronous outputs.
SUBDESIGN mealy ( clk : INPUT; reset : INPUT; y : INPUT; z : OUTPUT; ) VARIABLE ss: MACHINE WITH STATES (s0, s1, s2, s3); BEGIN ss.clk = clk; ss.reset = reset; TABLE % current current current next % % state input output state % ss, y => z, ss; s0, 0 => 0, s0; s0, 1 => 1, s1; s1, 0 => 1, s1; s1, 1 => 0, s2; s2, 0 => 0, s2; s2, 1 => 1, s3; s3, 0 => 0, s3; s3, 1 => 1, s0; END TABLE; END;
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