
The symbols listed below have predefined meanings in AHDL. The following list includes symbols that are used as operators and comparators in Boolean expressions and as operators in arithmetic expressions.

Symbol:   Function:
_ (underscore) Acts as user-defined, legal characters in symbolic names. (See Quoted & Unquoted Names for more information.)





(forward slash)

(two dashes)

Starts a VHDL-style comment, which extends to the end of the line. (See Comments & Documentation for more information.)

% (percent) Encloses AHDL-style comments. (See "Comments & Documentation" for more information.)
( ) (left & right parentheses)
[ ] (left & right brackets)
  • Enclose the range of a single-range or dual-range group name.

  • Enclose a number in the name of a node that is part of a single-range or dual-range group.

  • Enclose a range in the name of a set of nodes that are part of a single-range or dual-range group.

' ' (single quotation marks) Enclose quoted symbolic names. (See "Quoted & Unquoted Names" for more information.)
" " (double quotation marks)
. (period)
  • Separates symbolic names of logic function variables from port names.

  • Separates extensions from file names.

.. (ellipsis) Separates the MSB from the LSB in ranges.
; (semicolon) Ends AHDL statements and sections.
, (comma) Separates members of sequential groups and lists.
: (colon) Separates symbolic names from types in declarations.
= (equals)
  • Assigns default GND and VCC values to inputs in a Subdesign Section.

  • Assigns settings to options in an Options Statement.

  • Assigns a default value to a parameter in a Parameters Statement or an in-line logic function reference.

  • Assigns values to state machine states.

  • Assigns values in Boolean equations.

  • Connects a signal to a port in an in-line logic function reference that uses named port association.

=> (arrow)
  • Separates inputs from outputs in Truth Table Statements.

  • Separates WHEN clauses from Boolean expressions in Case Statements.

+ (plus) Addition operator
- (minus) Subtraction operator
== (two equal signs) Numeric or string equality operator
! (exclamation point) NOT operator
!= (exclamation equals) Not equal to operator
> (greater than) Greater than comparator
>= (greater than equals) Greater than or equal to comparator
< (less than) Less than comparator
<= (less than equals) Less than or equal to comparator
& (ampersand) AND operator
!& (exclamation ampersand) NAND operator
$ (dollar sign) XOR operator
!$ (exclamation dollar) XNOR operator
# (pound sign) OR operator
!# (exclamation pound) NOR operator
? (question mark) Ternary operator

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